Complex. Simple. Bubbly. Unique. Friend. Listener. Stupid. Shopaholic.

Monday, May 30, 2005


Yes, thats exactly what i'm doing at the moment.. BLUDGING and listening to mediation music in attempt to relieve my stress levels. Because apparently I over do everything!! Thinking, stressing, panicking, worrying etc etc etc ... and now not only do i have the confirmation of two people that i hold dear to me but also from someone else - and you know what?! YES!! IT DOES GET TO ME!! DAMMIT!!

After I submitted that stupid BAD2 assignment, even if it wasn't completed, I sat for the quiz that went along with the assignment. And I must say the tutor was quite disappointed that we weren't able to use our own assignments as a basis for the quiz. She was even more disappointed that we weren't even able to attempt all questions for the quiz! - Maybe if she actually put some time and effort into teaching us HOW TO program in Java, then maybe we would have had a chance in hell in completing the assignment and the quiz! Damn you WOMAN! (Just writing that made my stress level go up a notch!)

On thursday, i washed the dogs, went shopping and made my way to Concord Hospital for my Echo test (an ultrasound for the heart). It was very weird watching my own heart on the screen. the main artery/vein(?) look like a cow's mouth just constantly chewing. Very gross. But the doc said everything was fine though.

On friday, I made my way to Peter's place to spend sometime with him because that daymned BAD2 assignment took up all my time. And he cooked lunch. I wasn't much help because I DONT cook. Even watching him cut up chicken was weird, because I don't know how to cut chicken. Hmrpz. Whatta hopeless female I am! It was pretty good chicken though! .. And we watched Home Alone *winx* which we never got to finish. I couldn't stay the whole day because I had work at 3.30pm so I left at 1.30ish to make it back home for a bit of rest and more food.

Saturday was a buzy day for me. Work started at 8.30am. I wasn't supposed work this day but since they were short a person, I said that I would do it. But then they had doubled up on the shifts and so i ended up doing display prices in apparel instead. That was when I had my 'attack' at work. I was just putting the diplay prices up and then the store started to look funny and i was definately feeling woozy and my chest was hurting. So i went into the fitting rooms to just sit down and calm myself down. But it started hurting even more - my lungs and my heart - it was just sooo difficult to breathe. So i sat down in the lunch room until the pain subsided for 10 to 15 mins. Then I got called to the courtesy desk. They wanted me to fill in and help out... and talk about TRYING not to get stressed!! I still felt a ache in my chest but things needed to get done.. there was a LOT of customers!! And then it got so bad that I had to go on to the registers and serve customers as well!! I couldn't wait to go home and rest!! Which i did.... and i didn't wake up until i heard Peter parking his car. I know its Peter when i heard loud, fast thumping music. Him and his eurobeat. Can't say i'm a FAN!! And i gotta tell you I had to get changed quickly. I didn't realise I had slept soo much! But at least the chest pain wasn't so bad anymore. So mummy entertained Peter while he waited. Which wasn't LONG!! - I dont think!! then FINALLY when i got EVERYTHING ready we went to tina's!! When we got there there wasn't many people so we just sat in the swing chair by the fire... how romantic and ate food.. and had my first attempt at toasting a marshmallow. I didn't succeed!!! it was cold in the inside!! Hrmpz.. It was good seeing everyone from high school and it was amazing at how long i have known a few people for!! There were guys there who were in the same kindergarten class as me!! heheh.. CRAZY!! But all in all it was a good although EARLY night.. too bad we didn't get to watch star wars: episode 3... I REALLY WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING IT TOOO!!! (even if i dont get the story!)

Sunday was early church day.. which was FREEZING and working again!! For the time being its like i can't get away from work.. I'm always rostered on. But its okay because i've been shopping more and more! And i still haven't gotten a new mobile phone either! I need to save again.. Hrmz...

My blog has gone on long enough..

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Day of BAD2 Assignment & QUIZ!!

Yeps, thats right! My dreaded day of BAD2 - Java Programming Level 2. *sigh* This assignment has taken practically my whole week! Excluding the times that I need to go to uni or my many doctor's appointments.. I've been staying up till late just trying to make everything work. At this current time, I have the GUI working, but unfortunately the buttons don't work except for QUIT! ARghh!! I feel like ripping my hair out because of this assignment. I feel so stupid for not being able to make my buttons work! Hrmpz! There are parts in my code that even i can't understand what it does.. but i know that i wrote it and it works! CLUELESS!!!

Hopefully the exam is okay. I know that its open book, however it would help if i understood what it all meant. UGH! One more hour untill i have to submit the code for the GUI and here i am WRITING A BLOG! (Its much better than writing code!)

Hrmpz, I've been here since 10am and all I've done in my program is make it display the fields. I haven't been able to store the inputs into the program! UGH!!

One more HOUR!!! - Back to iT!

Sunday, May 22, 2005


10am to 12.30pm - Study for BAD2 - Programming assignment (Due Wednesday)
12.30 to 1pm - Eat lunch & get ready for work
2pm to 5.30pm - Working at Big W (Fitting Rooms)
7pm and onwards - Study (BAD2)

Hopefully everything goes according to plan.. Hrmpz.. I'm running out of time to do everything..


Update on Zelly

Today was a very busy day! Lets see..

I woke up around 9.30am. I was feeling cold so i decided to snuggle in my bed till that time. I thought that I would actually start my programming at around 10am. However, that was not the case for today. I recieved a phone call from the optometrist telling me that my lens are in store. So I quickly made the decision that i would show up at 11.30am today. They also said that it would only be a 30 minute wait.

I got to Parramatta with my sister and mother in tow at around 11am. Parking was no hassle, but as soon as I walk into Westfields, little did i realise that it was Girlfriend's 2005 Model Search. *sigh*. So here were all these teen boppers strutting there stuff in center stage, trying to look all trendy, beautiful and that they are the shiet that Girlfriend is looking for. Mind you, these girls were definately WAY taller than me!

I rock up to the optometrist at around 11 past. They take a look at my glasses, and to my dismay, their estimated time to fit my new lenses would now take up to 1 - 2 hours. My plan was to wait at the optometrist for the length of time it would take. After all, 30 mins is not long. But 2 hours is a lifetime. So I decided to bravely face the public with BLURRY vision. Everything was a blurr. And soon enough, my head was hurting and I was cringing with pain. But still I pushed on. Determined to do some shopping, for both me and my sister. I actually ended up shopping quite well with blurred vision. I bought myself 2 wraps/ponchos, chinelas, and a beanie! I was quite proud.

By the time i got home it was 1pm and 'oh crap' work started at 2pm!! Argh. So I hurriedly ate my big mac and hauled my ass to Big W Auburn, where I worked as a check out chick. I also informed my manager that taking into consideration that 4 people are leaving the 'Courtesy Desk' area, that would be happy enough to be trained in that section. Now the question is "Will I LIKE working there?" After all, those days after Xmas, where the lines are out the door, the same question is asked - "Will I LIKE working there?" ... It is yet to be answered! Oh yeh, I also bought Charmed Season 1 Box Set because I couldn't wait to get it.

Then after work, I headed home to quickly change and apply make-up to go to Steph's going away party. That took around 30 minutes. And another 30 minutes to pick up Peter .. to finally go to the party around 8pm.. It was really good. I enjoyed myself and helped myself to delicious meatballs and spring rolls and the TO DIE FOR calamari rings!! YUMMY! For the most of it, I just really enjoyed just to be with Peter. I missed him alot even though we hadn't seen each other for like TWO days. But the next week will be very busy with no time to see him (Maybe on Tuesday?) due to the programming assignment/quiz, which is still frustrating me!

I finally made it home at 12.30am. Quite early for a night out. But considering that I've had such a hectic day, it would be much wiser. So there you have it.. My Day TODAY!

Snooze time -- Good Night!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Hrmpz, a telemarketer just called and thought that i was MRS. del rosa(!?!) and the conversation went like this

ME: How did you get our number?
T/M: It is in the directory.
ME: No its not.
T/M: IT is
ME: No its not. We're not listed.

and.. then SHE HANGS UP ON ME!!

Mind you, I was appalled. At least say "BYE" or an APOLOGY! Hrmpz, that did not make me a happy camper!

Anyways, I've just visited Peter's blog site and he's changed his template! How cute. Mine's the pink version and his is the blue! *clapz* He babbled on about Star Wars, Episode 3. Hrmpz, he's gotten me psyched up for watching it! Which I must say is crazy because I DONT understand the story! - maybe coz I haven't watched them all. Just one. However, we did finally finish Episode 2 the other day! Cute Yoda was fighting. And then yesterday, we watched wrestling. Yeps, he's gotten me into that. But NOT fully obsessed. Dont think it will go that far!

I got my eyes checked out, and as i suspected my eyesight is deteriorating.. uh-oh! Which means thicker glasses. I'm gonna look like a GEEK!! Aek! **CRY** This week has just been a week of seeing doctors.

Monday: GP and Ear, Throat & Nose Doctor
Today: Optometrist
Tomorrow: Xrays
Next Monday: Lung specialist

When will it end!! Argh

I've got to do some programming now. Damned Java. I can't even create a working GUI! I feel so stupid! And its due next Wednesday. I can't get the window up, what makes the teacher think that I can get the functionality (buttons, etc) to work! DAMMIT!

Peter & Liezel

Peter & Liezel, originally uploaded by blog_on_zelly.

I've discovered how to finally post pictures up.. All thanks to!

This is me and Peter.. acting all sweet.. AWW!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Ahh FINALLY, I have wireless in the house. I'm so proud! I can finally cart my laptop anywhere within my house and still have access to the internet! Ahh TECHNOLOGY!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

I went to North Rocks Computer market and I was in AWE with all the computer stuff that people sell there! There were some second hand stalls but majority of the stuff was brand new. If i EVER want to build a computer, well at least i have some idea of where i would go! Unfortunately i didn't buy my wireless mouse for my laptop. None of them really caught my eye. For the prices or the brands that they sold. Daymned. I'm so dying for a wireless mouse!

While I was there I got a phone call from a friend whom I hadn't heard from in quite some time. When i received the call apparently I had just walked past his work. So I popped in to say hello! It was really great to see him. We used to have really great talks on the phone but that died down because of relationship. On both sides. Totally understandable. Since he was the only one in the store and coz my papa started to call me already.. I had to go. But regardless, its always good to see friends!

Anyways, presentation tomorrow. Time to prepare!

Saturday, May 14, 2005


It's been one year, and I don't know how to handle what I feel. I don't know what to feel about the past. It still hurts. Isn't that crazy? I feel confused.

I was backing up my old laptop the other night, and i came across a file that i had written whilst i wasn't together with him. And reading what i wrote still hurt me. I remember while i was writing it. It had absolutely broken my heart into pieces just writing it. I remember the tears flowing. And I remember the hurt. I can't help but still being hurt about what happened exactly one year from today.

He is with me now. I am happy to be with him. There is no one i'd rather be with.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

CAS Assignment

Its 4am in the morning and I'm still here at St Clair. Unbelievable. We are still trying to get the cash to balance. I'm ready to throw in the towel. After all I still have another 40 min drive home. Unfortunately I can't sleepover. I'm guessing that I'll be home at 5.30am, if not later. Damned.

We are still racking our brains to get it done. We all want to go home and get some rest. Me and Elyza have been operating on just a couple hours of sleep for the past couple of days. And its starting to get me really, really down. I usually call Peter for some guidance and a shoulder to lean on and the occassional whinge. But sometimes I feel as if I just bother him. Too late to bother anyone now.

My eyes are starting to get droopy. I dont know how to function for tomorrow, or today I mean.

FOR TUESDAY, 10 May 2005

8.30am: Bring sister to school
9am - 11am: Corporate Accounting Systems LECTURE (Assignment Due)
11am - 1pm: Corporate Accounting Systems TUTORIAL
1pm - 3pm: BREAK - Lunch
3pm - 4pm: Taxation Law LECTURE
4pm - 6pm: Taxation Law TUTORIAL
6pm: Rooty Hill to pick up laptop

Monday, May 09, 2005

The night before CAS assignment

Here we are at Elyza's house at midnight. Mind you we got here at 10pm due to the fact that she didn't finish class till 9pm. We thought the assignment was good and finished. However, after a consultation with the lecturer, that was not the case! So here we are trying to get through this assignment that is due at 9am tomorrow morning.

I'm so sleepy after this past three days. Working and meeting for this assignment, finishing an essay and still working on this assignment. I'm dead tired. Not allowed to sleepover, I still need to look after my sister before I go to uni.

I miss Peter. I saw him yesterday. Practically spent the whole day with him, but I definately wouldn't call that quality time. At least he did help me with the assignment. I'm very grateful for that. We usually talk every night but considering that I've been coming home at hours way after midnight. It just isn't possible. Hopefully we'll have some time to spare for each other on Wednesday. I miss him!

For the moment, it's all quiet here. Taking a break. I can't think for the moment. Still a long way to go till its finished.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Flooble is on Hiatus

Sorry guys! In trying to make my new site improved.. I lost my flooble... not to worry give me time and i'll get it back up again!

Sunday Morning

In an effort to get my uni work all done, I've decided to actually go to uni on a Sunday morning. Now, this would not be the ideal way to spend a sunday, but *sigh* Of course, uni priorities are the most important thing at the moment. So here I am. My essay that I need to complete today is on collaboration and knowledge management, and for these past 10 weeks, the question still stands, "What is Knowledge?" - My answer is nada! NOTHING, basically because I can't get my head around it!

Last night I was here at uni as well! Yeps, thats right a SATURDAY night spent at uni for a group meeting. At least we got our assignment done and we are all satisfied with the quality of work. After all, I had spend 5 hours the previous wednesday trying to get something to balance.

I think I've driven myself to the ground this weekend. Our group didn't finish the assignment until 1am in the morning, and I'm back here to finish my essay due tomorrow at 9am! Mind you I have a 1/2 hour drive to uni. I can barely concentrate on the road, I can barely keep my eyes open. I know its dangerous but I need to keep pushing myself. For motivation and energy. Just so i can get everything done. Now, usually i would have a V, or a Redbull or any of those energy drinks, but for the moment i'm functioning without any of them.

My procrastination is done for now.