Hrmpz, a telemarketer just called and thought that i was MRS. del rosa(!?!) and the conversation went like this
ME: How did you get our number?
T/M: It is in the directory.
ME: No its not.
T/M: IT is
ME: No its not. We're not listed.
and.. then SHE HANGS UP ON ME!!
Mind you, I was appalled. At least say "BYE" or an APOLOGY! Hrmpz, that did not make me a happy camper!
Anyways, I've just visited Peter's blog site and he's changed his template! How cute. Mine's the pink version and his is the blue! *clapz* He babbled on about Star Wars, Episode 3. Hrmpz, he's gotten me psyched up for watching it! Which I must say is crazy because I DONT understand the story! - maybe coz I haven't watched them all. Just one. However, we did finally finish Episode 2 the other day! Cute Yoda was fighting. And then yesterday, we watched wrestling. Yeps, he's gotten me into that. But NOT fully obsessed. Dont think it will go that far!
I got my eyes checked out, and as i suspected my eyesight is deteriorating.. uh-oh! Which means thicker glasses. I'm gonna look like a GEEK!! Aek! **CRY** This week has just been a week of seeing doctors.
Monday: GP and Ear, Throat & Nose Doctor
Today: Optometrist
Tomorrow: Xrays
Next Monday: Lung specialist
When will it end!! Argh
I've got to do some programming now. Damned Java. I can't even create a working GUI! I feel so stupid! And its due next Wednesday. I can't get the window up, what makes the teacher think that I can get the functionality (buttons, etc) to work! DAMMIT!
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