Complex. Simple. Bubbly. Unique. Friend. Listener. Stupid. Shopaholic.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Ahh FINALLY, I have wireless in the house. I'm so proud! I can finally cart my laptop anywhere within my house and still have access to the internet! Ahh TECHNOLOGY!! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!

I went to North Rocks Computer market and I was in AWE with all the computer stuff that people sell there! There were some second hand stalls but majority of the stuff was brand new. If i EVER want to build a computer, well at least i have some idea of where i would go! Unfortunately i didn't buy my wireless mouse for my laptop. None of them really caught my eye. For the prices or the brands that they sold. Daymned. I'm so dying for a wireless mouse!

While I was there I got a phone call from a friend whom I hadn't heard from in quite some time. When i received the call apparently I had just walked past his work. So I popped in to say hello! It was really great to see him. We used to have really great talks on the phone but that died down because of relationship. On both sides. Totally understandable. Since he was the only one in the store and coz my papa started to call me already.. I had to go. But regardless, its always good to see friends!

Anyways, presentation tomorrow. Time to prepare!


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