Beware of the P-PLATERs!
P-Platers definately cannot drive. Female p-platers at that!
I was a witness to an accident and I thank god that I did NOT happen to me!
Driving along the M4 today - going at the speed limit! (Double demerits: not gonna risk it), I pass a silver Honda Jazz with a GREEN P-Plate parked on the shoulder of the highway. *Thought* This girl is gonna do something stupid! .. And she does! She merges straight on to the M4 .. WOMAN!! Cars go at 100kph and she got on to the M4 from a complete stop! STUPID STUPID WOMAN! And all I see in my rear view mirror is a cloud of smoke and a red commodore going completely out of control.. finally stopping across the right and middle lane. The only car i saw DRIVING was the P-plater! There were no other cars!.. And she kept on DRIVING to my Resevior Road exit.. I was gonna give her a good telling off but she threw a U-Turn towards back on to the M4 .. with a police car right behind her..
The thing that threw me was .. THAT COULD HAVE BEEN ME! .. She merged on to the M4 straight after I'd pass and BEFORE the red commodore... I hope the driver of the Commodore is okay.. I must admit my knees were knocking really badly while driving!
Going home from uni today.. I was on Knox Road, Blacktown Area .. and at the peak of the curve of the road I saw two parked police cars with their cameras.... *thought* Slow down, slown down!
I don't get it .. Public Holiday is only this Tuesday - ONE DAY! So why do we have double demerits for 4 days! Its not like its a long weekend .. Today is just an ORDINARY DAY!! .. Damn government.. want to take our money and generate more revenue! .. ARGH!
Gosh don't even get me started on the tax implication of SUPERANNUATION - cos superannuation is a load of CROCK! 15% tax on super and 15% tax on any income from super, then when you retire.. u still gotta pay 10% GST. More money FOR the government.. AGH!!!
Take care driving..
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