Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Message to the iPod Critics!
Yes there is alot of HYPE in regards to the iPod. But I have done my research, and to well there aren't any other mp3 players that have as much accessories as an iPod. I have looked! BELIEVE ME.
IF I had my choice I would have bought the Sony NW-HD5 with 20Gb of space. Unfortunately I'm not willing to spend that much on just an mp3 player with nothing else for it but just space space and more space.

- Small and compact design
- As easy to use as an iPod
- Up to 40 hours in battery life
- Removable battery
- Sound quality is great
- No extra features like FM radio or recording
- ATRAC3 is the only DRM option
- Must use SonicStage software for music transfer
- Its just been released and it is pricey (for me!) with NO accessories!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Waiting for the Dawn
I'm happy and quite content. I finally got to see Peter after a loooong week of WORK WORK WORK.. for the both of us. Me, more then him because of Big W stocktake. I think i worked something like 34 hours.. and let me tell you, from Big W, that is quite A LOT!
Basically my whole day yesterday was a very lazy one. I woke up early in a hurry to get to the shops to find my uni friend, Michelle a birthday pressie! Which i did.. after 2 hours frantically shopping for something that she would like! I bought her a Billabong singlet. Quite nice actually. With my wondering through Westfields Parramatta for ages.. My sister and I actually saw EVERMORE make an appearance. We did not however get caught up in the EVERMORE phase, which meant I missed out on a FREE NUDIE JUICE! PooH! Never mind. In my purpose of finding a pressie, I found some great LOUD T-shirts. For Example, "YOU WERE NEVER MY BOYFRIEND" , "YOU SHOULD SEE MY OTHER BOYFRIEND" "EVERYONE LOVES AN ASIAN GIRL" , "DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE : IN TRAINING" .. I want one! LOL - it is not in my budget this week.
So yes, I went to Quakers Hill for Michelle's 21st Birthday. And I saw DEEH - my beloved uni friend DEEH! .. ahhah We get on like a house on fire. Our other uni friends came as well. But we did not stay for too long. I finally went to see Peter before it was too late to drop by. Whoa.. Never knew he missed me that much! *winx* LOL ... We watched "Shall we dance?" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez. I LOVED THE DANCING.. It makes me want to learn ballroomm dancing! Peter, will you be my partner? I think throughout the movie I just had a cheesy grin on my face, for two reasons. Firstly, just to see Peter was good enought for me and secondly, the romanticisim of the MOVIE!! It pulled at my heart strings!
I want to take pictures!! I need a new memory card for my camera.. or maybe just get a new camera? .. I think next on my technology wishlist is a digital video camera!! I'll take it everywhere! *Clapz* Maybe I'll get that with my tax refund!!! heheheh...
Ahh finally, the reason for the title of my BLOG! .. UNI Starts tomorrow .. I don't know whether to be excited or dreading it.. 4 accounting subjects in 2 days. Starting at 11am and 9am then coming home around 10pm.. I'm GONNNA BE BUGGERED..
Friday, July 22, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
For 21 July 2005:
- Bring sister to school
- Parramatta Wesfields .. iPod Here I COME!
- Go Home
- Sleep
- Go to Work
- Home
- Sleep
- Go to DFO with Tina
Whoo!! what a day..
P.S - Did u notice my Flickr underneath my Flooble? *clapz estatically* How exciting!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Tomorrow I'm on a mission - To get my Ipod mini from Target. Their TOY SALE begins tomorrow. I fully intended to be there at 9am or 9.30am to get my Ipod mini. And hopefully put one layby for Peter too. I'm still thinking what colour to get. Silver or Blue?


I find myself torn. Which one should i get?
I even went on a mission today. To research prices on accessories of the iPod, both in stores and online. On the Harvey Norman website, I found this really great iPod mini bundle .. Only $99.95! Bargain!

Whilst on my iPod hunt. At the actual Harvey Norman store in Auburn, I found speakers that I liked. However, it is OUT of my price range. Damn. Look at the beautifulness of the iPod and speakers! Perfection for mini!

It was quite dark outside, and I was rummaging through my street parked car whilst on the phone to Peter. We were discussing whether I should go see him or not. I notice that there was commotions across the street. Lots of guys yelling and they were getting louder and louder. My friends car pulled up into his driveway. He walked over and we exchanged a few friendly words putting my phone call with Peter on hold for that time. I resumed my phone call and made the decision to actually go and see him. My friend made his was into his house, when all of a sudden things across the street became louder and more violent. I frantically was putting my things into my bag next to my car, when I look up and see a gun pointing straight towards me. In point blank range, I was shot in the chest. The impact of the bullet shocked me. It took a few seconds to register what had happened. Then the pain came and all I could think about was the people I loved dearly. My family and Peter - I'm sorry. I registered in my mind that I was covered with blood.
My eyes shot open at hysteria that I was feeling. I reached over to turn on the light and give Peter a call. No Answer.
Finally I have the time to blog!
.. Here is my story ..
Finally, the one day that I didn't have work for a LONG time. I actually went into work for Mr. Harry Potter - Book No. 6. At 8.45am, I was waiting for the book to arrive. I was joined by many older readers. But the book was not for me.. It was for my little sister. I was merely the driver. And when I got home, I crashed back into bed with a vengence. Three hours later, Good morning WORLD! That evening in celebration for Anton's 21st Birthday and I brought with Charlyn and Jackie. I can't believe I drove around the same blocks for 1 hour trying to be tight arses and not pay for parking. None to avail - So we parked at The Westin Hotel - $20 for PARKING!! At least MPB was free entry due to Anton's careful and frantic last minute organisational skills. I must say that there was A LOT of people there .. also very squashy! So squashy in fact, that some UNATTRACTIVE guy tried to grab hold of me. GROSS. I got to see Dez, which was great considering I haven't seen in nearly a year and she's practically a sister to me. AND I saw Freeney, who I must say is like a brother to me and I know he will always have my back! However, I did not spend much time with Peter, which makes me sad. Coz I know that I won't seeing him the next coming days. We left early due to work commitments the next day and I still had an urge to get roaring drunk.
Can't say I got much sleep during the night. I recieved a phone call from Peter at 5.30am to say that he was home from the Club, and I realised that I had to wake up for work in 1 hour. Daymn. Off to work I went at 8am. Recieved a phone call from Deeh on the way to work. She was bored at 8am! I got to work with an abundance of energy and by the time 11am rolled around, I was drowsy as anything. I got frustrated with counting the money that I called in for reinforcements - THE STORE MANAGER and then I just ended up looking incompetent. Damn. Finished work around 3.30pm. Crashed into bed around 4pm and did not wake up until 6pm. That was GOOD sleep! And spent the night talking to Dez, Rhoemell and Peter consecutively. Couldn't get to sleep, so I spent my time researching on a suitable MP3 Player for me. The new Sony 20gb looks really, really good with great reviews. Unfortunately, not within my price range and doesn't have as much accessories as an Ipod.
I went to appointment for my lungs and heart. Everything is a-OK! I need to learn to relax - less panic, less stress. Prior to my appointment with my specialist. I had to do a breathing test and an allergy test. The breathing test was weird. She wanted my to pant! (I AM NOT A DOG!) and blow air out of my lungs really hard and really fast.. I ended up gagging. Hrmpz. Oh, the allergy test was a fun one and I ended up feeling like Frankenstein with all the needles. I found out that I'm majorly allergic to dust mites. At first it looked like a mosquito bite, then throughout the day it became as big as my palm and really red too. GROSS! I'm also allergic to egg yolk, cat hair and histamines. After all that, I went shopping at Bankstown to get a fair idea on prices for an Ipod mini 4GB - $299 everywhere. Target have a toy sale on now and you get a bonus pack with your Ipod mini... Off track. I also had work that day. The dreaded STOCKTAKE. Scheduled Work: 5pm to midnight. This did not happen. I came home at 2.30am, totally buggered and I didn't get to sleep till 4am. Damn.
Woke up at 7am. Damn. I wanted to sleep in. Took my sister to school and took the first catnap of the day. FINALLY got to speak to Peter, in what seems like forever. Didn't speak for long. Mostly about uni results. He did very well for himself. I'm happy I passed them all. But for some reason he had more pressing issues to deal with, like housework. Great. The cableman came around 10am. I'm happy - He fixed our connection. It's all happy Jan now. FedEx man came around 11am. And in between all that I decided to call everyone else up from uni. Everyone did reasonably well. Passes and a couple of fails. There's always next time. After all that, I took another huge power nap for work this afternoon/evening. At least I'm home earlier tonight. But not early enough to talk to Peter tonight. Damn. So I blogged.
Exam Results
Thank you. For once I actually passed all 4 subjects in one semester. It was my ONE main goal last semester and I didn't get it. It was one goal that I had wanted with all my heart. To prove to myself that I can get through the demand of uni without being in a relationship. I had failed. It told me a lot about my character. This time round, being in a relationship and with 4 subjects on my plate, I have somehow managed to pass them all.
I feel angry. Pissed off. And at times, cheated. Grr. I feel selfish. I feel competitive and jealous.
When is it going to be my turn?
Friday, July 15, 2005
Sydney Sexpo 2005
Its nearly here.. SEXPO 2005 !! And I'm contemplating .. Should I go? Well its more along the lines of Do I have the guts to go? I want to go because some if it is right up my alley. Not the HARDCORE stuff though.. I want to go because of CURIOUSITY! And that curiousity even led me to the SEXPO website...
GUESS WHAT I found there!!! A pussy shaver.. PSCH!! I never knew that those things EXISTED. I always thought that 'Just use a razor!' .. But apparently NOT! Someone has invented 'THE PUSSY SHAVER!' .. Hahahaha ... However, the website that actually sells this contraption calls it 'An Intimate Area Shaver' .. What a crack up!
Hrms... I'm still thinking .. and I did a bit more browsing .. They have events like 'Dip my Bits' and 'Miss Nude Australia' ..
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Westpoint at Blacktown
Today as told yesterday, was my day at Blacktown shops with Peter. I did eventually get my Paul Frank doggie jumper. It fitted me quite right but since I wanted a bit more space to move around in, I gave my jumper to my sister.. Aww! I also forfeited my skinny legged jeans, because I was still contemplating. So instead I bought 2 shirts from The Urban Store and a belt to go with them in plain hope that one of them will be THE shirt to wear out on Saturday Night.. For Anton's 21st Birthday! Peter also went a splurge at The Urban Store.. and also gained a membership card! How Exciting!
Gumballs at Blacktown, I must say does not do justice to EASY WAY!! .. EASY WAY is way better than Gumballs. Their balls are seriously under cooked .. they were all starchy in the middle. YUCK. Peter said to forego the drink completely because there was a bit of a celery taste in the drink! *sigh* And I really wanted my Honeydew milk tea with pearls. Unfortunately Easyway dont have the Honeydew flavour! .. That's it! I need to go to the city for some decent pearl milk tea!!

Speaking of the Easyway in the CITY they have...

.... I have to get me some.. Peter, can we go to the city?
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Welcome back Lappie!!
Yes I can finally say that I have my laptop back with no more issues! Thank You HP! However just finding the office at Prospect was one big feat in itself. By the end of it, I think I ended up making 5 U-Turns on that road. Ugh! But I am happy enough to say that .. I can finally BLOG again!
I ended up seeing Peter the day I picked up my Lappie! Finally! After one whole week of not being able to see each other due to many reasons.. Lets just say I was very HAPPY HAPPY to see him.. I missed him dearly! We went to Mt Druitt and went exploring to the newly developed area of Westfields. Not really that exciting. Only that they have Nando's!!
By the way CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Ninette and her husband, Rommel on their recent wedding on the weekend. Due to geographical reasons, my family could not attend. I wish them well on their marriage and the expecting baby! Can't wait to see all the family additions when I travel to the Philippines... I'm still finding a way to save!
Tonight is the season finale for The O.C. How exciting! And I must say it's very very good! I remember watching it the first time round and I was just "OMG!" I'm very much anticipating the third season .. I really can't wait! Hurry up and show the episodes! I'm so excited and giddy! I reckon I'll be in anticipation till Season 3 begins! *Sigh*
Today I spend my day with my Godmother and her family. It was very very good! We all piled into Lolo's big red van and made our way to Rooty Hill to eat filipino food. It was very very good and I was just excited to drink ROOTBEER! My godmother's children are so cute and adorable. Little Monica ended up being my friend for the day. For a little girl, she loves getting all dolled up with lippy .. ahhh CHILDHOOD! Whilst her brother and cousin was happy enough to play PS2 Eye Play. I gotta say all three children together were a talkative bunch! But they were very entertaining the whole day .. they ended up tiring me out for the drive back to my place!
Tomorrow, its Payday and shopping at Blacktown. Hopefully, between me and Peter we can get some great clothes that we can wear out on Saturday night for a night out on the town! Yay. I haven't really gone out in AGES! I also want to get the Paul Frank jumper with the Chihuahua on it. Its adorable and so totally me! I seriously hope that its still there.. oh, and a pair of skinny leg jeans!
Ohhh I can't wait!
I recieved a phone call today, just a confirmation in regards to my appointment next monday morning. I'm scared. I have to do another 2 test for my heart and lungs before being able to see my lung specialist. Hopefully everything is okay.. *fingers crossed*
Monday, July 04, 2005
I would like:
- Dawson's Creek (Season 3)
- Charmed (Season 2)
- The Nanny (Season 1)
- Labyrinth
- Saved!
- Batman
- Back to the Future Trilogy
Store Policies
I must have my little whinge in regards to store/company policies... They are a load of CROCK! And working at the Courtesy Desk (where occassionally I'm just not courteous)and having to explain the store policy to customers who are just plain dodgy AND cannot speak english properly.. I GIVE UP!! There are just some days at work where I just want to lock myself up in the cigarette cupboard at work and scream at the complete ignorance and failure of communication between me and the customers. Aarggh!!
The other day I rang up HP because a USB port was not detecting any USB peripherals that I had connected. I called them to find out where the nearest service office was. Instead they asked to me uninstall the hardware drivers and then reinstall the driver. The thing was that the person did not specify which drivers need to be reinstalled. So I waited for a whole HOUR for ALL the DRIVERS to be reinstalled. What a waste of my time. Tested the USB ports - It failed again. So I called HP up again and told them of the situation. I complained that I had inserted EVERY kind of USB device that I had at home and after a lot of CAREFUL EXPLANATIONS and COMPLAINTS, I finally got an address for the service office!! I reckon I should bill them for 2 hours of my wasted time!! So tomorrow, I'm on a 30 minute drive to drop the laptop off and then wait for a few days for it to be repaired. Again, I think I should bill them for the imperfection of my laptop!! ArrgH .. not a happy VEGEMITE!
Since this whole entry is one big WHINGE.. I'll continue.. So apart from my work at the Courtesy desk and my incident with HP, I've also managed to lose my savings card. I feel so very poorless at the moment. Its holidays.. I want to go out but can't. I want to pay my layby off, but can't. I want to go shopping, but with what money. I need to fill up my car, but I can't. How did I ever survive with $50 a week back in college and I TOOK THE TRAIN!! *shocker*
And I've finally run out of things to WHINGE about!