Complex. Simple. Bubbly. Unique. Friend. Listener. Stupid. Shopaholic.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sugar Fix

I forgot to mention that I made my way to Castle Towers several times these past few days!

On Friday night, it was to eat and wind down after a HUGE week of studying for exams! It was me and my uni friends, Deeh and Elyza, and James who's in our class for BAD2. We ended up at the Coffee Club. I had a breakfast - I LOVE BREAKFASTS!!! Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon and buttered toast and hash browns.. *Drools* Everyone else had waffles with strawberries, icecream, whipped cream and maple syrup .. *DOUBLE DROOLS* It was a good night for everyone, plenty of talking was done.. even though we spent all week together minus James!! Us girls never get tired of talking!

On Monday was the day of my last exam, which was in the afternoon. Instead of studying in the morning, I went to work to check for my shifts the coming week and I saw Peter before making my way to uni.. And before I actually made it to the library, I went to Castle Towers with Elyza. We ate lunch, returned an iron and found a CANDY SHOP!! OMG Just looking at the products was like being a kid again!! And they were playing the song from 'CHarlie and the Chocolate factory!' in the store... But yeh it was like the MOVIE!! I was in complete AWE! They had stuff from all over the world!! Its a store that is NEVER TO BE MISSED!!! I have to go again! I'm dying to go again!!!

P.S. I never made it to the library that day.. I just went straight into my exam! (haha)

P.P.S. Visit Sugar Fix for a store location near you!! *winx* --- Peppermint Nipples, anyone?!?

Oo Ah .. I lost my bra!

For some reason today (which shall remain nameless, *winx*), I really stuffed up at working on the Courtesy Desk. So the break down goes as follows:

1. I forgot to put on an important and necessary piece of underwear that all women must not go without, hence the title!!
2. I stuffed up with the customers
3. I kept requiring the manager for leisure department's authorisation for refunds and for handling customers, eventually I pissed him off for which I apologised profusely
3. I also ended up requiring the help of the service department manager
4. I annoyed the service supervisor for the whole entire shift because of my stuff-up's
5. I couldn't even cash up a register - for some reason the total figures didn't add up
6. I couldn't even get ONE register to balance
7. The register that I was on ended up being $120 short, which pissed the service supervisor off because it meant that she had to find the missing money!!!
8. And to finally put the icing on the cake, once I got home, I realised I forgot to sign myself out of work..

Well, I'm working again tomorrow, but this time its training in Cash Office! How exciting!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I am who I am ..

I found out that when I'm angry, I am ANGRY.
When I'm ANGRY, I am a very UNFORGIVING person.
When I'm UNFORGIVING, I become a very COLD-HEARTED person.
And that is part of me.

When there is a problem in the relationship, I prefer CONFRONTATION.
When there is CONFRONTATION - deal with it, no matter how much it HURTS.
I don't answer well in CONFRONTATIONS when:
(a) there is a refusal to talk
(b) walking away from the problem
(c) hanging up the telephone
.. When this happens, I feel that it's OVER.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Sorry for the Delay

Yes I do apologise for not making as much blogs as I'd like! But I must say that work and uni are draining me of my energy! So just a quick catch up..

Things that have happened to me lately..
- study for exams (PRIORITY!)
- working
- training for courtesy desk
- training for cash office (REALLY SOON!)
- seeing Peter
- finally got to go shopping and SPLURGE!
- bought a new printer and wireless mouse
- bought Dawson's Creek (Season 1 & 2)
- renting DVD's
- stressing LESS

Upcoming Events:
- studying (STILL)
- Taxation Law Exam (This Thursday)
- BAD2 Exam (This Friday 6.30pm to 8.30pm - UNBELIEVABLE TIMING!)
- Samer's Bday Party (Are we still going?)
- Knowledge Management Exam (Next Monday)
- and working ...

Hopefully, somewhere around there I can have time to see the girlfriends.. I miss them! And also spend some time with Peter and make it to Parramatta together, and maybe go bowling as well.. hehehehe..

Friday, June 10, 2005


Due to the exams coming up, I won't be able to post as much or as often. But feel free to tag and check up on me from time to time!

I will also be working, still trying to get up the ladder at Big W. So feel free to find me at work!

Till then, to all those with uni exams, I wish you all the best and study hard and God Bless! I'm in the same boat as you!

Stress LESS

Do you ever?

Ever notice that people only turn to you when something is wrong with THEM?

Ever notice that they seem to forget you every other time?

NOTICE: They are friends..

2nd NOTICE: I do it too..

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Yeps, OOps! In my excitement for Peter's Birthday.. I FORGOT TO POST!! That and I was tired toO!But all in all it was a good night! Dinner with his family and extended family! Good company, good food, plenty of laughs, and FOOD!! - what more could a person ask for! Hehe. It really was a nice way to spend a 21st Birthday, as well as Tita's Birthday!

This was a bit of procrastination before doing an assignment.. Maybe more later!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Its Friday Night

Yeh, its a friday night and well, not much is happening. I know I need to do journals that I haven't completed over the last 7 weeks for one of my uni subjects. But I seriously CANNOT be BOTHERED!! I feel like declaring a UNI HIATUS!!! No Studying, no classes, and NO EXAMS!!! hehehehe.. I wish!I am so not bothered!!

Its Peter's birthday tomorrow.. and maybe like he said, I'm more excited about HIS birthday then he is!! hehehe.. How exciting! I must say that there is some kind of fate, because today I recieved a phone call from work asking if i could do the early shift which is great! That way I can work earlier, get some rest and see Peter in the afternoon/evening! Its gotta be FATE! It is still unsure about Peter's plans for the evening but either way, I'd be just happy enough to see him ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! Yay! Well, plans are to go out to dinner with him and maybe his family as well, if they arent too tired.. Hrmz, I'm still contemplating whether i should make it to a very old friend's birthday, cos its tomorrow night too!! Argh! But of course, It would just be completely WRONG not to see Peter on his birthday!

Oh well, early night for me.. early start tomorrow! Maybe I'll be do my journals on Sunday Morning? You think? Hrmz, I highly doubt it! heheheheh!

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Some people don't realise the good that others have done for them. I have been that person many of times but this time it is someone close and whom i know quite well. What a piss off. Why can't they just f*ken realise? Can't they see that what you are doing is for them?

STUPID UNGRATEFUL PERSON!! Argh, you're driving me mental!

Oh yeh, don't they realise that they're also paying someone else all the f*kn glory? What's the point in being good if you receive no thanks for it? Is it really worth it?

DAMNED this SH*T!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Condom Troubleshooting - Only in the PHILS!!!

Great title ay! Well, I found this article from the internet and thought it was quite INTERESTING .. Hrmz.. Filo magazines.. HaHa.. Enjoy!

Here, some strategies for banishing common condom conundrums:


If reactions such as itching, irritation, and burning occur, try polyurethane or natural skin, and avoid condoms with spermicide, especially nonoxynol-9, which can cause ­irritation even if you aren't allergic.


In addition to larger or thinner condoms, he can try a cock ring (placed at the base of the shaft and around his testicles), which keeps the blood supply from draining from the penis. If you're daring, you can go for the native cock trinkets from Quiapo. Or you can also check out Pleasure Place (call 636-4585) in Metrowalk, Meralco Ave., Pasig City for other trinkets that can revive his birdie.


If your guy is more of an Olympic-level sprinter than a marathon man, make sure he has the condom on even before you start fooling around. Also, you can check out some lubes with a numbing agent that may keep him in the race longer at Intimate Pleasures, 2/F Alimall, Cubao.


when you're not on the Pill (or another form of birth ­control), wash yourself well, and see a doctor ASAP to be tested for STDs.

Courtesy of Cosmopolitan Philippines

Ladies Bathrooms

hand dryers merely circulate the germs existing on the dryer. The dry air can also cause your skin to chap, making it more prone to infection. Use a clean paper towel instead.

alcohol disinfectants shouldn't be substituted for washing your hands. They actually work best on clean, dry skin (water will dilute the alcohol content, decreasing its effectiveness), so wash your hands first!

female bathrooms may smell and seem cleaner than men's, but actually contain more bacteria than their male counterparts. Blame it on our frequent bathroom trips and added equipment (sanitary napkins, wipes…).

the sink is the area with the most bacteria, including salmonella and E-coli. It's best if you use a paper towel, and avoid touching anything with your bare hands.

Courtesy of Seventeen Philippines