Sugar Fix
I forgot to mention that I made my way to Castle Towers several times these past few days!
On Friday night, it was to eat and wind down after a HUGE week of studying for exams! It was me and my uni friends, Deeh and Elyza, and James who's in our class for BAD2. We ended up at the Coffee Club. I had a breakfast - I LOVE BREAKFASTS!!! Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon and buttered toast and hash browns.. *Drools* Everyone else had waffles with strawberries, icecream, whipped cream and maple syrup .. *DOUBLE DROOLS* It was a good night for everyone, plenty of talking was done.. even though we spent all week together minus James!! Us girls never get tired of talking!
On Monday was the day of my last exam, which was in the afternoon. Instead of studying in the morning, I went to work to check for my shifts the coming week and I saw Peter before making my way to uni.. And before I actually made it to the library, I went to Castle Towers with Elyza. We ate lunch, returned an iron and found a CANDY SHOP!! OMG Just looking at the products was like being a kid again!! And they were playing the song from 'CHarlie and the Chocolate factory!' in the store... But yeh it was like the MOVIE!! I was in complete AWE! They had stuff from all over the world!! Its a store that is NEVER TO BE MISSED!!! I have to go again! I'm dying to go again!!!
P.S. I never made it to the library that day.. I just went straight into my exam! (haha)
P.P.S. Visit Sugar Fix for a store location near you!! *winx* --- Peppermint Nipples, anyone?!?
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