Complex. Simple. Bubbly. Unique. Friend. Listener. Stupid. Shopaholic.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Its Friday Night

Yeh, its a friday night and well, not much is happening. I know I need to do journals that I haven't completed over the last 7 weeks for one of my uni subjects. But I seriously CANNOT be BOTHERED!! I feel like declaring a UNI HIATUS!!! No Studying, no classes, and NO EXAMS!!! hehehehe.. I wish!I am so not bothered!!

Its Peter's birthday tomorrow.. and maybe like he said, I'm more excited about HIS birthday then he is!! hehehe.. How exciting! I must say that there is some kind of fate, because today I recieved a phone call from work asking if i could do the early shift which is great! That way I can work earlier, get some rest and see Peter in the afternoon/evening! Its gotta be FATE! It is still unsure about Peter's plans for the evening but either way, I'd be just happy enough to see him ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! Yay! Well, plans are to go out to dinner with him and maybe his family as well, if they arent too tired.. Hrmz, I'm still contemplating whether i should make it to a very old friend's birthday, cos its tomorrow night too!! Argh! But of course, It would just be completely WRONG not to see Peter on his birthday!

Oh well, early night for me.. early start tomorrow! Maybe I'll be do my journals on Sunday Morning? You think? Hrmz, I highly doubt it! heheheheh!


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