Complex. Simple. Bubbly. Unique. Friend. Listener. Stupid. Shopaholic.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Just Another Tuesday

Here at uni extra early. 20 minutes before class to be exact, and probably not enought time to finish this daymned blog!

Again, I haven't blogged for ages. Blardy lazy and too busy trying to catch up with all my subjects and working 4 days a week. Quite stressful actually.

My gosh. This week, I must admit my PMS is getting to me and its getting quite bad. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just mad at everything. AND I WILL take it out on anyone who comes near me. I took it out on Ron yesterday as well as Peter. Poor things. I say things with out thinking and it ends up being harsh and just completely bitchy. I feel like I'm walking around with a frown on my face ALWAYS. I'm just that ANGRY - at what? I still don't know.

Just a quickie entry. Class in 5 mins!

Friday, August 19, 2005

As Promised - Uni Piccies!!

Hehehe Wat a laugh.. and this only took up 10 minutes of our time... Trust me, FAI was boring AZ on a Monday night!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Miss Sniffles

Crap-ness! - I'm sick!!

I got stuffy nose, sore throat etc, etc.. I've been bitten by the FLU BUG!

I spent $40 today on buying my sick necessities. These included:
- tissues
- cough syrup
- cold sore cream
- sudafed
- strepsils

I can't believe it costed me that much!

I'm thinking that my stress levels have contributed to my sickness. Uni is tearing me apart! Now is the time to be super organised! And its frustrating because I seem never to have time for anything.


You have to try Darrel Lea's LICORICE!! - The flavoured stuff.. MANGO is the best.. reminds me of a mango Weiss Bar! YUM!

And only $3.25 a bag!!

You know what else is good? Tiny Teddy Dippers! - So cute and yummy! Find it in your biscuit aisle today! Haha.. Tiny Teddy dipped in chocolate.. And when you dip them, its like they're swimming in chocolate! Totally adorable!


I got bored during in one of my lectures - and you would to if you joined "Financial Accounting Issues" .. Who really wants to analyse the Australian Accounting Standards? Tearing apart the revenue's section bored me to tears on Monday night so I put my phone on silent mode and starting taking photos of me and my friends... They're quite funny! I'll add them to the blog when I have time...

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Its been a long time coming..

I'm over due for a post so here goes..

Its been a couple of days and I'm still pretty daymned angry at a situation that I have no control over. But then again, it isn't my life. Good luck to you, I shall say. But I have a feeling that I will be the one of the ones that you come to have a good whinge about when things go really bad for you. KARMA, my dear, KARMA!

I don't think I want to talk to you for a good month or two. THAT'S HOW ANGRY I STILL AM!

Uni's back and I'm struggling very much with my schedule. I don'get enough sleep and I have to be fully prepared everytime I walk into class. I feel bad because I have to rely on Peter and ask "Can I nap at your place?" But its nice that he's kind enough to lend me his bed for an hour or two to nap.. JUST NAP!!

Work is work. I nearly cried in the office last friday. Stupid safe didn't balance right. There was a good $700 missing from it. The manager forgot to tell me that she gave a loan out to one of the registers. I stayed back an hour and not get paid for it! Then I went out that night for some drinks with work mates. Never knew that KENO was so fun!

I didn't get to go to Sexpo. I wasn't as organised as I should have been. But I did want to go. Poo! There is always next year.

Anyways for today, I have to get ready soon. Going to Blacktown way to little Chelsea Jade's christening. She's so adorable. She looks like her daddy. Elyza will be there and I'm taking Peter and Alex with me. How exciting.

Plenty of things to do.. Blog LATER!