Complex. Simple. Bubbly. Unique. Friend. Listener. Stupid. Shopaholic.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Just Another Tuesday

Here at uni extra early. 20 minutes before class to be exact, and probably not enought time to finish this daymned blog!

Again, I haven't blogged for ages. Blardy lazy and too busy trying to catch up with all my subjects and working 4 days a week. Quite stressful actually.

My gosh. This week, I must admit my PMS is getting to me and its getting quite bad. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just mad at everything. AND I WILL take it out on anyone who comes near me. I took it out on Ron yesterday as well as Peter. Poor things. I say things with out thinking and it ends up being harsh and just completely bitchy. I feel like I'm walking around with a frown on my face ALWAYS. I'm just that ANGRY - at what? I still don't know.

Just a quickie entry. Class in 5 mins!


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